Some stuff for my German readers ^^

22nd October 2011, 10:37
From: Jan4ik
To: Guardian_Angel (M.L. ^^)
Schatzi, hier kommt eine gaanz große Bitte an dich..tus bitte nicht für mich, sondern für die Menschheit, glaub mir, so ist es echt zum besten….Also erstens, hol deine Folterinstrumente her und fessel mich an mein Bett, damit jaa gesorgt ist, dass ich NIRGENDWO HINGEHE, damit ich niiiieee wieder das tun kann, was ich gestern nacht getan habe, also absolutes Hausarrest, okay?? Zweitens halte alle, und zwar wirklich ALLE KERLE, die sich mir auf 100 m nähern, von mir fern, bitte, tus einfach!!! Und ja keine Ausnahmen, oki?? Und bitte, bitte bitteeee, töte meinen Fortpflanzungsdrang, bitte, er muss abgeschafft werden, solche wie ich dürfen sich jaaa UNTER KEINEN UMSTÄNDEN VERMEHREN, bitte!! Und nicht nur das, er kann auch noch viiiel gravierendere Dinge anstellen, also schaff ihn ab, okay?? Bitte, tus einfach!! Es sei dir auch erlaubt, Gewalt anzuwenden, wenns sein muss, und zöger damit bitte nicht, und vor allem gilt auch: lieber zu viel als zu wenig..glaub mir, es ist besser so ^^ Danke, im vorraus, ich weiß, du bist eine wahre freundin und dass in solchen dingen immer auf dich verlass ist ^^ Hab dich lieb ❤ 😛

the thing behind this whole thing

I finally start to manage this whole blog-thing a bit. (Sorry, I’ll try to make a better background later)

I always wanted to have a blog like this ( I get inspiration by Liz Lee and other persons who doesn’t change for somebody and always stay themselves)

just to present my fuckin’ life I live in, ’cause it’s real fun. 🙂 I mean, have you ever asked yourself  who you really are?

Do you change for somebody? However, to be inspired is something different then copy.

I’m proud of my friends M.L., A. and my soulsister Tiya for being

themselves, cool, crazy and the best! It’s not about how many ‘friends’ you have (look at all those facebook pages), it’s about  how special they are, well, at least, that’s the way I see it. 🙂

The idea was to make this blog kind of fun, to present my life, my faults, to discuss problematic situations and more.

Will I ever manage that??

Rock on & get inspired, J.

Tattoo Day! :D

Damn right, I got my first tattoo yesterday!! 😀

..and even now I just can’t realize it!

It’ s the name of the town I was born in. Moscow (Russian: Moskva). I mean, what could be more personal? I don’t want to call myself a ‘patriot’, but there’s something special about this town. Have you ever been there?:)

A little note to myself: Yeah, I understand why you guys don’t really follow this blog, hope, I can change this, because I also realized that I have to put in much more information than I did!! I try, I promise

Here are some pictures of my tattoo, the guy who did it, and me. 🙂

Love, J.

Some new stuff

Hello Rockers! 😀

So, if you’ve ever read my blog (Damn!!!!! Need more readers, hope I finally get to know how this blog-thing works and how I can improve myself. May you help me?) you’re alloud to follow me on Twitter for getting some quick, short and up-to-date ‘Tweets’.  This website is GENIUS! 😀 Here’s my nick: Yana Yershova (I would never take my ‘official’ name 😉 ) Just add me there, please!

Just a wise thing ‘to-go’ – Make a ‘things I need to do in my life’- list and make sure that you’ll do all those things on your list.

There’ll be one point less on my list tomorrow. EXCITED!! 😀

Best wishes, J.

Short-One-note <— Follow them, my Russian friends, they're AWESOME!!! (If you not already do on or
<3, J.

Twitter! :D

Guys, I just entered Twitter!! 😀

It’s better than everything! I ❤ it =)

Try out and follow me there for getting some up-to-date-quick-news ^^

See you there, Rockers 😉

Sentence of the day

You can spend, minutes, hours, days,

weeks or even months over
analyzing a situation, trying to put the pieces together,

justifying what could’ve, would’ve happened

– and don’t find an answer at all.


…and I actually start to realize that I won’t see him for a long, long time..

don’t ask, that’s a too long story..

(yeah, girls-stuff is sometimes hard)

hope you rock better than me now, my instrument is taken..

love, J.

Quick News (part 2)

mood: I’d like to sleep
To do list: Get a job for ‘after-school-time’
I love: My kitty ! ❤
What’s next: Waiting for some people showing if they’re alive or dead

Summer in Germany sucks, brought some warm things today.

Let’s change the world, rockers.

New B.

Hey Guys,

let’s talk about a new beginning.

So now I’m 18, and I had a perfect week with my friend J.A. , really, I mean PERFECT. And I still ask myself if  should be more *out-going*  like other teens when they’re 12. Okay, after thinking I’m sure that I’m enough *out-going* and dislike to celebrate with young teens. If they mean, they’re good and great and perfect, I let them. I wasn’t better that time.

Now I need money. Really, I NEED IT! I bought a pair of shoes for my gothic-friend M.L., and now I’m poor.(She’ll give me the money back) Damn. But it’s better to be a good friend than beeing poor. And I bought some dresses, by the way. Damn.

Hope you’re more rich than me now.

Rock on, J.


Birthday! :D

Will I ever be an adult someday? =)

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